Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Christmas Day - A special Birthday & Maori Dancers

Christmas morning and thanks to all the guys/ girls / family / friends / Maddy who gave us cards to come away with and the pressies too - great and very much loved and appreciated. Pompey will see NZ. We went for breakfast (scrambled eggs and salmon on toast) to line our stomach but did the opposite as we both suffered upset stomachs!

But we met the others about 12 and went to the World Bar to go to the Orphans Christmas. We have got on really well with a dozen or so of the people on the bus and so it was like having Christmas Day with adopted family. We had walked in with Dave's birthday cake, but no Dave so suprise he got a free bottle of champagne - which of course we helped him with. Lots of drinks later and random conversations, (the Japanese Girl who for ease I call F is a dolphin trainer soon to be car saleswoman), and we had roast lunch (sadly for me lamb!).

The guys & girls on the bus had got a card and birthday cake for Dave for his birthday and with the balloons we had blown up we made the best of his birthday; Dave wearing his loud Hawian shit from the Horley crew.

Next activity - Maori dancers and somehow both Dave and I managed to get up on stage. Dave did a sort of Hakka and I did a well known part dance.

Q what dance did I do?

We had great fun doing and hopefully more video to bore you with. Later we had pudding and then pressies from Santa (Irish T-shirt and a bag) and then dancing. Our driver and another one got us shots of something in teapots and together with free champagne, bought drinks etc we had a merry Christmas. After dancing there till 10pm we moved back to the hostel bar for more partying. The most disappointing thing - the DJ only played 30 seconds of Insomnia.

A very different Christmas in a place with no street decorations and no tinsel for sale (thanks for the flashing badges Keith) but a we had a great time with random people.

What a great Christmas!
A. the dance was the Macerina (or however you spell it.)

For everyone else, Margs has foolishly trusted me to look after their holiday snaps orignals. Obviously I've had a good nose through them and thought it might be nice to publish them so everyone else can have a look too.

Hopefully if you click you'll see them
Look and sounds like you're having a great time.

A. I would have guessed the Macerina (I'm not sure how to spell it either), reminds me of a certain National Camp....If I ever find the b*****d that nicked my boots...
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